Change Log
Added the fire hydrants for the city of vienna
Made points on the esri map easier to touch/click
Difference between City and Municipality
The difference between City and Municipality is that City is based on mailing address and municipality is based on location relative to city limits. For example a structure may have a Vienna address, but not be in the city limits of Vienna. That same structure would have a municipality of Dooly to show that it is not within the city limits of any city.
Returning to your previous search
In order to return to your previous search from the details view, YOU MUST USE the back button located at the bottom of the Details page. If you use your phone or browser back button you will return to a blank search page.
You can search for partial addresses with the address search. Do not include the city in the search.
With an address of 123 Pine St
A search of 123 will return all addresses that include the number 123
123 Pine St 123 South Oaks Rd 1239 West Rd |
A search of Pine will return all address that include the word Pine
89 Pine St 123 Pine St 475 Pine St 1000 Pinehurst Byromville Rd |
If you want to search just a road or street, type in the street name, then click or touch back in the search box. This will clear the suggestions and search the road or street name you typed in.
The current results are limited to
Address “The address of the structure”
City “The city that the structure receives mail through”
Municipality “The city limits in which the structure is located. Dooly means structure is in the county”
Details Page
The details page shows you the most information on the address and has the following parts
OBJECTID “this is a unique number that identifies each address in the database”
Address “the address of the structure”
Description “a physical description of the structure”
City “The city that the structure receives mail through”
Municipality “the city limits in which the structure is located. Dooly means the structure is in the county”
Notes “any special notes on the address and/or structure”
Google Navigate “gives navigation directions from your current location to the GPS of the address”
Google Maps Link “shows the GPS of the structure on google maps. You can also get directions from here”
Picture “If there is a picture available for the structure, it will appear under the maps link. You can click/touch the picture to enlarge it.
Back “You have to use this button if you want to return to your search rather than start over”
Bottom Arrows “the bottom arrows will walk you trough your results from the previous page in the order they appeared”