Good Afternoon,
Dooly Numbers:
Total Positive Cases: 51
Total Deaths: 3
Total Tested on April 13th: 13
Total Tested on April 14th: 9
Total Pending: 24
I’m so sorry you all didn’t hear from me yesterday but I went home and went straight to bed. I did get some much needed rest. You can see we are still going strong as far as testing and follow up with those who have tested positive. We are working hard to continue to prevent the spread of COVID 19 within our communities. We are working with businesses and facilities throughout the county and we continue to push the guidelines as put out by DPH/CDC. I have had nothing but cooperation from everyone and I really appreciate that. There will be rumors and there will be criticism but I can tell you all, as your DPH representative, that everyone has been working with me on a regular basis. I am following up on all outbreak areas and making sure that there are plans in place and that they comply with our guidelines. I really appreciate all the hard work everyone is putting into this public health emergency. I am not a one man/woman team. It takes all of us doing our part so thank you all for everything you have done and continue to do.
I would like to say thank you to Mr. Tommy and Karen Mason for our lunch today from Tienda Y Taqueria Mi Familia and picked up by Mrs. Amanda Oneal-Neisent. It was delicious and much appreciated. Also thank you to Mrs. Bridget Hathcock and her team at SWGA Fyzical Rehab for the dogwood crosses and prayers. We can’t say thank you enough for everyone’s generosity and kindness.
Have a good night, stay safe, and remember….THIS TOO SHALL PASS
Cyndi Mercer, RN
County Nurse Manager
Dooly County Health Department
204 West Union Street
Vienna, Ga. 31092