Good Afternoon,
Dooly’s Positive Cases: 18
Deaths: 1
Pending Test Results: 0 (yay)
Georgia: 6,742
Deaths: 219
I hope everyone had a nice weekend. I received all results this weekend and have contacted most with their results. The counts should reflect the new numbers by tomorrow’s update. I have to put them in due to them being done by a private lab. We are expecting things to get worse before they get better in the next week or two. That is what the experts are saying and gearing up for. We must be vigilant with all our efforts to stop the spread of this virus. Remember all the guidelines I shared Friday can be printed and handed out. Encourage everyone to continue to use social distancing, wash their hands and use hand sanitizer frequently, shelter in place if possible, if you have to go out please go get what you need and come straight home, and the newest recommendation is to wear a mask if you go out in public. I have seen some post concerning mask that concern me. It may look silly but please once you put your mask on do not take it off until you are done doing whatever it is you are going to do. You can easily compromise/contaminate the mask if you touch the inside where it is up against your face/mouth. try to only touch the loops that go around your ears. I have seen several neat ways to sanitize you cloth masks. I will see if I can find some credible info to share tomorrow and send it out.
We will be testing tomorrow afternoon. It will be by appointment only.
Thank you,
Cyndi Mercer, RN
County Nurse Manager
Dooly County Health Department
204 West Union Street
Vienna, Ga. 31092