I want to reiterate how testing is done. You must first call the office to be screened by a nurse. The number to call is 229-268-4725 Option 2. We do not answer the phones from 12-1 because we are getting everything ready to test and guys that needs and takes our full attention. The testing criteria has been relaxed a lot so most people are being tested. You do have to have symptoms. Please call us to help you decide if you need to be tested or not. We are the medical professionals and will help you. Once you call and are screened you will be given a specific time to drive up and get tested. This time is appointed only to you. It is very important that you come only at that time. If you come early chances are you will have to wait. We do 5 minute slots. We do not rush because of our safety and each client deserves our complete attention. We do a lot of education as well as testing. We have a great routine in place and it takes very little time.
I have had a few request for PPE. We are not able to give anyone our PPE. We are testing people and seeing patients. We have limited resources of PPE as it is. Please understand that we can not provide anyone with this protective equipment that is our only barrier between us and this virus. We are in the face of this daily and several times a day. I wish I could give everyone protection but I can’t. I will say, when you look into places to buy masks, gloves, gowns, and such as that please be careful of scams. Many people are being scammed out of their money unfortunately.
I know the governor is planning on opening up some places as early as this Friday. I ask that if you decided to visit gyms, hair dressers, nail salons, and any place that is open, please just use your best judgement. If you are sick do not go. If you see where they are not safely following guidelines put in place, don’t go in. It’s time to speak up and take responsibility for your own health. Don’t depend on anyone else to sanitize for you. Take your stuff and wipe that chair down yourself, take your hand sanitizer, wear your mask, tell them not to stand too close, ask them how they’ve been feeling, have they had fever, coughing, or any symptoms in the last 48 hours, and if they don’t like that go somewhere else. They are suppose to ask you the same. It is what it is guys. You are responsible for your own health and safety. These conversations and guidelines are crucial right now. You should be in my circle….I know all about you if you are coming up in my bubble.
I hope you all have a great evening. I appreciate you all very much. We have had some great lunches and desserts provided by; South Georgia Banking Company, Brannen-Nesmith Funeral Home, Mr. and Mrs. Hobby Strippling Sr, Mrs. Allison Bowen, and Mrs. Lady Causey with Good To Go. We are so glad that these meals are also helping our family owned businesses within our community like Good To Go and Fruits of Vienna and all the area businesses. I know they appreciate your support as well. Everything has been arranged by Mrs. Amanda Oneal-Neisant and we appreciate all her hard work and dedication in getting lunches organized and brought to us daily. When our lunches are brought we eat so these meals help tremendously. I say it often and I will continue to say it, Dooly County is the best and we are so lucky to have you all supporting us and helping us.
God bless, stay safe, and please continue to follow all guidelines we have passed along. If you need any of those guidelines resent please don’t hesitate to ask me. They can also be found on CDC.GOV and Georgia Department of Public Health websites. I have been trying to type this all afternoon so please forgive me if there are typos….I’ll do better.
Thank you,
Cyndi Mercer, RN
County Nurse Manager
Dooly County Health Department
204 West Union Street
Vienna, Ga. 31092